It is a method of online trading that is applicable to the market of foreign currencies, the so-called Forex, the biggest financial market in the world.
As with surfing, in order to calculate the waves of prices, you need control, not strain. The only difference is that, with trading, it is not your muscles that are controlled; rather, it is your mind.
What is particular about the SurfingThePips™ method is that the trader’s psychological well-being comes first.
// What does happiness have to do with trading?
The reason why the SurfingThePips™ method is successful is that its approach is revolutionary: turning the two factors, happiness and money, on their heads is of vital importance.
All of people’s economic problems derive from the lack of this “switch”: it is not true that money makes you happy, but it is happiness that produces money.
That is why psychological well-being is the foundation of the method, and it dominates all of its rules.

Davide Franceschini | Founder and Chief Trader
// What does becoming a real trader mean?
- It means no longer working for money and instead starting to make money works for you
- It means expanding your financial culture and not making do with ridiculous investments such as BOT’s or investment funds
- It means not being slaves to financial consultants and avoiding being hoodwinked by banks.
// How much you earn after the course
Online trading is one of the best discoveries of our time.
It allows you to earn money from home, trading wherever and whenever you like. Trading is also the least taxed “profession” in the world, which is not a bad thing.
The SurfingThePips™ project has been generating shared profit non-stop since 2010. We are one of few sites worldwide that provides trading training and that is not afraid of sharing its efficiency on a daily basis via our operative Forex signals.
Lots of our students are successful. Our students include:
- - Winners of international competitions
- - Traders of millionaire hedge funds
- - “Simple” part time traders who were able to reach financial freedom within a few months
- - Ordinary people who learnt to build an extra monthly income for themselves which is constant and low-risk

// How much time I will need to spend on trading
The beauty about the SurfingThePips™ method is its “modularity”. This means that it can be totally adapted to various types of traders’ needs. The method is applicable by whoever wants to make trading their main career, and by whoever merely wants to supplement their income to increase the money that they make from their main career.

The trading course SurfingThePips™ is suitable for various sorts of traders:
People who have never done any trading before
– Together with the “Free Introductory Video Course” and our “Technical Analysis Course’, the SurfingThePips™ course will provide students with all of the necessary instruments for operating and making a profit immediately after the end of online lessons.

For people who have only just started
– The SurfingThePips™ course will teach a practical, precise method that has proven to be successful and that can be applied immediately. It does not teach any theory, but it teaches taught practise via a real detailed programme in which you are assisted, step-by step, with obtaining success.
For expert traders
– The SurfingThePips™ method has always proven to be an excellent tool, even for people who have been dabbling in this world for years. There are lots of traders who are experienced, yet who have been influenced by the principles of our Forex Course to improve their strategies and make them “stress-free”.

details of the advanced
course with

You will discover everything that I have learnt about financial markets in 10 years and more: the same rules and the same secret graphic patterns as I use daily to operate in my private hedge fund. Do not expect a usual course that has been created by copy-and-pasting from other re-chewed resources and then well-packed: everything is 100% original and has never been seen before.
You will find out what the 5 instruments that I use are, as well as what the 7 essential steps you must follow every time you want to enter the market are. Moreover:

An easy way to become
millionaire in a short while -
The secret to double your
assets in one month -
Obscure technical terms
A hard-to-follow system
Endless theory lessons
You will learn what the difference between a normal trading course and our trading course is: that is, that, at the end of our course, you will not be abandoned to yourself. Actually, to be honest, if you subscribe the Surf Infinity™ package, we will never leave you alone. Here you can find what Surf Infinity™ includes:
if you are wondering
// Can I learn your strategy even if I do not have much experience in trading?
Absolutely. The desire to learn and perseverance in putting into practise what you have learnt are more important than experience is. Furthermore, our system is deliberately designed for eliminating all that is superfluous and to make the approach to trading clear, simple and systematic. Like following a recipe for a tasty dessert. Stick to the instructions regarding the ingredients, the doses and the actions and you will be sure to create a masterpiece.
“You must become a successful man
before being a successful trader“
// Can I apply the SurfingThePips™ trading method even if I have another job?
Sure, even better! I myself do lots of activities besides trading. We are the ones who teach you to remember that, if you got passionate about trading, it was because you wanted to learn to make money work for you and give up working for money. Our method is totally modular and it can be adapted to any lifestyle. It does not require a constant presence in front of a monitor; actually, it teaches you to limit that as much as possible. This is because the less you look at the market, the less emotions you will feel and the less errors you will make. And obviously, the more money you will make.
// How long will it take me to make a profit?
If you apply our method SurfingThePips™ even partially, you will stop losing forever. We are totally certain that we have included a money back guarantee clause. The quantity of profit that you will make will depend on you: the more time you spend on post-course studying, and on putting the method into practise, the more your income will grow. The more disciplined you are, the more profit you will make.
// Are the course lessons live or pre-recorded?
Both. The standard lessons of the trading course SurfingThePips™ are recorded, they are always available and they all have self-assessment tests. If you adhere to Surf Infinity™, you will also have access to a mini-lesson, which is practical and takes place weekly, and is taught by one of our graduate traders.
// Why did you decide to share your system?
Well, I’ve been asked this question a million times and it is absolutely normal.
This is exactly why I have decided to answer you in advance and explain in detail the 6 reasons why I was led to create this web site and share my strategy.
The need for emotions. If you seek emotions in trading, you lose everything.
Meeting interesting people. Trading is a lonely job and doing it for 9 years in a row gets a bit boring. Thanks to this website, I have obtained a very satisfying social life.
Expressing my communication talent. I enjoy sharing, and I discovered that, the more I share, the more I earn. How? Well, teaching my strategy has taught me to codify it better and I was left no choice but to follow my rules in a much more disciplined manner.
Fighting the trash that is so prevalent in the Forex world. Brokers do not like our system much, because we do not trade so much. Being unpleasant to brokers and upholding the best interests of traders is our mission.
Finding big investors. If I had not started this website, how would I have found them? This is why sharing always helps you to get rich.
Improving the world I live in. By the means of our Forex Nation project, the first broker in the world who reinvests their profits in micro-credit projects in developing countries.

// What type of computer do I need for trading?
With our strategy, even a €100 computer from the supermarket will be enough. You can also do trading with your smartphone.

“I can state now that this have been my best financial investment in years and years of trying […] I have no hesitation in recommending Surfing The Pips to anyone who wants to succeed in FX.“

“Forex Trading can never guarantee a profit. If you follow SurfingThePips philosophy, their guidelines and advice, you WILL make money.“

“I really found the educational service informative and profitable, because students like me can play the same trades as Davide and the team plays live on the daily webinars. So, not only am I learning as a student new trading techniques, but I’m also making money while learning which is always good.“
OUR 6 “NO”
*Except Forexnation, the only one broker in the world that donates profits to charity
The 6 reasons why we are OBJECTIVELY the best project for training online traders in Italy (and not just Italy).
We do not talk. We act and demonstrate..
Every day, on our website, we analyze BEFORE markets open. We like testing ourselves and we do this in the open. Do not trust people who talk about Forex Trading, yet do not have even a graph, a study or an analysis on their website.

We have been offering Forex Signals since 2010.
If we were swindlers, we would already have been butchered by reviews all over the world. Nowadays, online reputation is everything; it takes nothing to destroy it. Do not trust people who do not offer courses or signals. What certainty do you have that the method that they will teach you is effective?
Your goals, our mission
We want to help you to be the change you want to see in the world. Raising your material richness through your interior richness. Your target are our daily focus.

We are real human beings. Always online and always available to you..
We are not ghosts, we are real people, in flesh and blood, with a name and a surname which are very clear on the website. We out our faces on there.
We do not charge you for what is available for free online.
Scam sites put together some information that was found online, give it a structure and make you pay 2 or 3 thousand euros for something that you could find on google by yourself for free. We give you what you need to start trading online for free! You will only pay for things that you would never find on other websites.

We are the only ones to have created an ethical broker: Forex Nation.
SurfingThePips™ is a lot more than just a simple trading strategy, it is a philosophy of life and an ethical finance project that is revolutionizing the world of trading.
how effective the
infinity AND infinity plus
Advanced TRADING course with SurfingThePips™ Method
Usually, a standard 2-day trading course will cost you more than 2500 $ and give you a rough idea of technical analysis. It will give you an explanation of some indicators and nothing else. It won’t give you a method.Considering that our course is not a live course, we split the price in half and give it a value of 1300 $
The perfect trading surfer’s diary. A pre-compiled pro-forma to monitor your efficiency and boost the manner via which you learn our rules.
Value 35 $SurfingThePips™ TRADING JOURNAL
Il diario di trading del surfer provetto. Un pro-forma pre-compilato per tenere sotto controllo la nostra operatività e accellerare il processo di assimilazione delle nostre regole.
Value 25€AutoSurfer™ 2.0 EXPERT ADVISOR
A little programming gem, which was tailor-made for us and is continuously updated to make our trading method even more automatic. Put the entry&exit price in and enjoy your life. Autosurfer™ will do the job.
Value 199 $Post-course pack LIFETIME
At the end of your course, you will not be left alone. We will always be available for your questions via email (we guarantee an answer in 48h), you can follow a weekly session of live analysis with our traders and every day you’ll receive a file that you have to put in your platform with the technical study that was handmade by a certified SurfingThePips™ trader.
Honestly, we can hardly tell you the value of this product. No one in the world can give you this service. This represents the guarantee that with Surf Infinity™ you are not only buying a simple course, but you are buying an organic, periodic, professional, human, timeless and unlimited interaction program.
We assign it a symbolic 1300 $.
Have fun trying to find out if you have understood the course and if you are correctly applying our method, comparing our trades and yours, immediately, in real time, without the risk of making errors. Furthermore, we send this same information to our subscribers.
Value 458 $FOREX SIGNALS 114$ per Month LIFETIME
2 months are not enough for you? You want more time to test your comprehension and maybe re-gain faster the money you had invested in the course? If you buy Surf Infinity Plus™ you will have the chance to subscribe our Forex Signals at half-price. Forever.
Are you a smart person and who understands that, if you want to complete your journey, you need to ask some specific, personal, tailored questions to one of our certificate traders? Would you like to have a practical solution to solve any temporary problem?
There’s nothing better than 1 hour of Personal Coaching directly in our offices in Malta, if you would like it, or simply via Skype.
Value 325$-20% sales for TRADER SURVIVOR
Are you not satisfied with just being a good trader, and do you want to become a better person all around? Trader Survivor is the right place to try it and, according to the last editions, the right place to succeed. Finishing your Trading journey, Yoga courses, Meditation and Superfoods, everything can be done while you are going to bask in natural heaven on Earth. The (original) course is the most copied in the world.
If you buy Surf Infinity Plus™ value is 700$