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Happiness Lessons

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Forex Nation: the dream comes true

  It almost never happens. The train that takes me from Brussels to London in less than 2 hours, passing below the English Channel, is an hour late. It’s nothing more than the last hitch, hopefully, before we can “take possession” of our gem: Forex Nation CIC, the first and only ethical trading broker in the world. […]

Girl Painting

10 TIPS to increase your trading

  Emotional control is a skill that can make a big difference to your life. Keeping keep calm under pressure is undoubtedly a competence that allows us to obtain the best outcome in every circumstance, especially when it comes trading.   There are several studies that confirm that the vast majority of professionals and successful […]


The Stress Factor

  We are blessed in the 21st Century to have at our fingertips via the internet, precious gems that one stumbles across or are brought to our attention. The latter was the case with an article I read just now on Linkedin: http://tinyurl.com/LINK-IN-art It was written by Dr. Travis Bradberry – the award-winning co-author of […]

the wolf

The Hollywood Indicator

  When the ‘final curtain’ falls on the world as we know it, the records will show that somewhere between the first half of the 20th Century and script’s end, a great catastrophe took place. After reading the following article, you will discover that when mankind forgot how to communicate with themselves, the film’s final […]

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These Are Not Good Traders

Hello Surfers, yesterday, the beautiful Italian online newspaper “The Post”,  published an illuminating photo gallery about traders. The photos you can see in this link, are the exact opposite of our trading strategy. The gallery shows us men / women defeats, sacrificial victims of emotions. Humans disheartened, crushed, they seems more hooligans in the stadium than […]


The 3 main ingredients to enable long term success in trading the Forex Market.

It took a great deal of research, heartache, financial loss, anguish, determination, soul searching, depression, elation and damned hard work to discover what I believe to be the three main ingredients to enable long term success in trading the Forex Market. by GEOFF PYNE | Certified SurfingThePips.com Trader Potentially, the farthest thing from George Michael’s mind as […]