G’day Surfers – no market pre NFP.
Yesterday’s Report
Without surprise, EUR/USD failed to perform yesterday, displaying total indecision in a tiny range. The reason: NFP day today. We didn’t entertain the thought of trading a market that was set to damage, not deliver!. Our S&R GBP/JPY trade remains well in profit as we prepare to close it, prior to NFP and consistent with our No Trade Friday policy.
Technical Analysis
The Day Ahead
Looking forward to preparing a meal for my wife who is returning home from her study week out of town. Tiger Prawns in a Cream Garlic & Herb Sauce with seared Scallops should do the trick?? Better get to work – have a great weekend.
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. -Virginia Woolf
Geoff Pyne
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