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03 May 2013 | Free Daily Analysis | EURUSD : FIREWORKS BEGIN

G’day Surfers – first no movement…..then kaboom.

Yesterday’s Report

As expected, once the News announcements began, so did the fireworks. We made a couple of attempts to get in and out of the market prior to the volatility Ortder #1 timed out but order #2 was catapulted into the market and driven to TP1 by the barest margin, before reversing, to produce a break even trade. We were not enticed into further entries as the market went crazy as a result of the High Impact News announcements.

Technical Analysis

It’s NFP day so more fireworks later on I suspect, with a pretty subdued lead up.

The Day Ahead

A rest from the market as usual on Friday but most especially on NFP Friday. If you’re not an experienced news trader – I suggest you follow suit. Have a great weekend & give it 100% – just like you did at work:

“I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday.” ~ Author Unknown

Geoff Pyne  

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