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06 December 2013 | Free Daily Analysis | EURUSD : WHIPSAW TO NEW HIGH

G’day Surfers – we nearly got the rent!

Yesterday’s Report


Price Action (PA) looked lively early on and gave us a nice signal that a Short move was on the way. We accepted the invitation but once again, had to wait a long time to achieve TP-1 as the market died, in anticipation of what was to come. Free trading News is pretty cool and we looked well on track for that until PA reversed and delivered us a Break Even Trade, just prior to the the Big Bungee that spanned 108 pips in an hour.

Technical Analysis

It’s all about Fundamentals today.

The Day Ahead


Moving house over the weekend so you know what that means: http://funny-pictures.funmunch.com/pictures/safe-removals.jpgHave a great weekend………….

Geoff Pyne  
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