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07 March 2014 | Free Daily Analysis | EURUSD : GOT YA!!

G’day Surfers – kaBOOM!

Yesterday’s Report

We know it was ‘moving day’ but EUR/USD really took off yesterday, thankfully, taking us with it. Fair to say it was a tough week of trading, if a little busy. Our entry into the explosion yesterday came after one loss and two break even trades earlier in the week. That we didn’t waiver from our focus is a great lesson for the week. Our policy of trading what we see ensured we rest well over the weekend, in the knowledge that we conquered a brutal NFP week’s choppy market – and restored the weeks result to positive territory.

Technical Analysis

NFP Day – see you Monday!
The Day Ahead
Putting the finishing touches on our new publication (did I say that last week?) – ok, the REAL finishing touches.

“What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.” Mandy Hale.

Have a great weekend.

Geoff Pyne  


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