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08 November 2013 | Free Daily Analysis | EURUSD : THE GIANT AWAKES

G’day Surfers – typical pre-news day.

Yesterday’s Report

It was sleepy NFP week Central on EUR/USD charts yesterday as traders stayed well away from their order books, awaiting NEWS. They awoke from their slumber just prior to the News announcement and then SOLD Euro’s BIG TIME when the ECB announced an interest rate drop, it’s first move since April. We saw two opportunities to catch the consolidation break, both Long, both ignored.

Technical Analysis

It’s all about Fundamentals today.
The Day Ahead
Taking a week’s break so preparing for that today. See you week after next. I WILL be thinking of you……..“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working.”
Have a great weekend.
Geoff Pyne  
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