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09 August 2013 | Free Daily Analysis | EURUSD : EURO TRENDING?

G’day Surfers, could it be true?

Yesterday’s Report

I hope I’m not speaking too soon but it would appear EUR/USD has been trending for a month! It seems ages since I remember that happening and it’s great to see. Despite that good news, the cross failed to test Daily Pivot (DP) yesterday and kept us out of the market, by so doing. Trading into Hi’s against an untested DP is NOT part of our strategy and to get into the market yesterday, that’s what would have been required. Yet another positive week – so no problems.

Technical Analysis

The 2 month High is today’s challenge for EURO – we’ll check on Monday, to see where the new week begins.

The Day Ahead

Final touches to my house for sale – then a big sigh! Naturally, I have been dealing with Real Estate Agents so today’s quote was to be about the pleasant experiences people have had with them – I COULDN’T FIND ONE.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Geoff Pyne  

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