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14 March 2014 | Free Daily Analysis | EURUSD : BALLOON PRICKED

G’day Surfers – DP rules again but no entry.

Yesterday’s Report

Daily Pivot worked its magic yesterday as EUR/USD had the wind removed from its sails, late in the day. Pullback was called for and delivered as Tuesday & Wednesday’s gains were obliterated. Though we were expecting the move, PA taunted the market and didn’t offer an entry invitation – no trade for us. Our week concluded with a Win & a Loss leaving us hungry for pips when next week begins.

Technical Analysis

Hopefully a flat Friday, leaving plenty of room for pip gathering, come Monday.

The Day Ahead

It’s the Monthly re-union lunch today with old workmates – fun, fun, & a lot of BS.

Wouldn’t miss it for quids.

Have a great weekend – see some friends!
Geoff Pyne  


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