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24th April 2015 | Free Forex Analysis | EURJPY close week in profit

Dear Surfer friends, welcome to our daily trading meeting.


How things went yesterday

Our attention has been paid to the signal S & R on EURJPY. It has reached the MP which was our TP2. Last night, for convenience reasons, we have decided to close the signal with a good profit even if we could have maintained the budget ceiling. In other words, we have brought profit to our home

Technical Analysis

Anything important to add for the moment

Plan for the day

Nothing concerning trading

Notable Economic News

We are not interested today



The staff of SurfingThePips wishes you all a happy weekend. We hope to see you all next week for our daily analysis as well as our weekly video analysis.

Daniele Angellotti

Certified Trader | SurfingThePips.com

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