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31 AUG 2012 | Free Daily Analysis | EURUSD : ROBOT GOT IT RIGHT

G’day Surfers and CONGRATULATIONS Surfing The Pips!

Yesterdays Report

It may seem a little deflectionary but it would be entirely remiss of me not to congratulate the architect and Chief Trader of StP Davide Francechini for the remarkable record of 34 weeks of consecutive positive returns. This self indulgence today on the back of that record being interrupted yesterday by the completion of our first negative week of trading in 2012. Without trying to milk the positives in a negative week, I’d be seriously interested to hear of a Signal Service/Education Provider that can boast that record and hold it up to scrutiny as we do, every trading day – WELL DONE BOSS!

So what went wrong? Well, really nothing at all! You will recall that yesterday we counselled the need for extreme caution, quoting the Lost In Space Robot. The A Signals listen to neither man nor Robot however and kept churning out Secret Candle Pattern recognition calls, this time to the detriment of our a/c – IT HAPPENS!
Four such signals were sent for a Break Even, Loss (-13) not triggered prior to High Impact News & Loss (-23). Because we total our dual take profit trades, we must double our losses so a 72 pip negative day which wiped out our weekly balance of +54 leaving a tiny 18 pip deficit @ 1/4 stake or less – no need to comment further.

Technical Analysis

Nah – it’s ALL about BIG BEN and JACKSON HOLE – If you need to ask……….it doesn’t matter!

The Day Ahead

Just as I won’t need to alter my trading strategy one iota, so too my Friday will be business as usual – a couple of beers with the missus and a comfy chair in front of the footy. Ahhh – Friday’s are a great way to cruise into the weekend – please enjoy yours. It will be a long weekend for us with a US Bank Holiday on Monday. Back to business on Tuesday – take care till then and ignore the sand!! What???? – You’ll get it……

“It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out; it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.”

Geoff Pyne | Certified Trader
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