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8th June 2015 | Free Forex Analysis | EURUSD rest on the 1,1100 level







Goodmorning and happy monday,

Lets take a look at the market.

How did it go yesterday?

Friday morning, the price  was playing near 1.1250 .However,  during the evening a jolt  brought it to lick the 1.1100 level where it is located today.

Technical analysis

Today, the technical analysis is interesting since there is a bearish macro pattern in which we can find a trading opportunity. The DP can be considered  tested while the triad DWM is carrying  a bullish configuration thanks to the beginning of the week.

Plan of the day

Although against the triad, we  keep lookong into  the downtrend continuation just in case there is the macropattern breakage. We must pay attention to the G7 meeting  : it is appropriate to adjust the risk in case of a trading opportunity.


Relevant economic news

Day 2    ALL    G7 Meetings


Daniele Angellotti Certified Trader | SurfingThePips.com

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