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In-trading-as-in-life: “You Know What Detracts From Happiness? Rushing.”

Hello Surfers,

a nice article ready to share today for you.

“Is there anything that you see people around you doing or saying that adds a lot to their happiness, or detracts a lot from their happiness?

In Iceland, they hang out in hot springs, while it’s freezing all around them. What could be better? In Italy and Spain—all over Europe—they take long leisurely lunches with a glass or two of wine. Americans rush too much.”

Read the rest of the article here.

via http://happiness-project.com/

It’s an interesting project and a good interview which made me think, once again, how much trading success is linked to quality of your life.

One of the best way to protect our happiness is indeed, slow down. Rush is the enemy number one of happiness and, for us, of our trading account.

That’s why our Forex System has the Master Candle rule. The Master Candle rules force you to avoid trading between one candle and another one.

It force you to base your trading on factual information. It makes your time on the screen, between one candle and another, completely useless.

This is a practical way to avoid rush in trading.

So, less rush, more happiness, more happiness, more money.

As usual.


Davide Franceschini

Chief Trader


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