Hello Surfers,
have you ever heard about the Bitcoins?
They are a virtual currency, which is now becoming very hype. Read more about Bitcoin in this wikipedia page.
This article is about a very strange (and nerdy) technique I found on the web to…print money at home.
Yes, you know I’m not the kind of guy promoting this “scammy” ideas, but this time the thing seems real and interesting.
The good thing about Bitcoin is that they are virtual but they can be converted in real cash using these 2 sites: BIPS.me or LocalBitCoin.
The “money-building” technique is nothing more than a sort of “rent” of your computer, or better, the RAM and the processor of your PC.
Read more on this article if you’re curious.
Have fun
Davide Franceschini | Chief Trader
of course the title of the article is a joke Forex, especially with our Strategy is way more safe than bitcoin galore
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