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Performances 2012 in details. 150.8€ per Signal.

Performances 2012 in details. 150.8€ per Signal. -->

Hello Surfers,

in these tentative, early days of 2013 we are not trading, so what better moment to check how much money we made in 2012?

It has been a RECORD year for this strategy. 3 kind of records in fact:

1) The first record is the longest period we traded without a single loss: 7 months. I know, this can sound a little bit difficult to believe but this year we had our first loss the 28 of July. It was an -18 pips loss. Not bad.

2) The second record concerns the number of losses (we prefer to call them “operating costs” of our Forex System) we had in the entire year: 6. Yes, that’s right only 6 negative trades from 75 in total, for a percentage of 9% of the whole trading activity. In other words anytime you receive a message from us you have 91% of probability to not lose money. Sounds good?

3) The last record is about the negative weeks we had: only 3 on 52.

Please take note of the continuous development we are conducting to fine-tune our Forex System to make money minimising the losses – giving us terrific results. I’m Italian and as many football supporters know; we prefer to avoid goals – the defence comes first. In other words; Defence is the best form of attack :)

This concept in Forex is absolutely key. First rule: protect your capital. Show yourself you can produce this kind of win/loss ratio and then start to push the accelerator. This is the third year in a row (from 3 years of operation) that produced a negative trades percentage below 20% (10% on 2010, 15% on 2011 and 9% this year). You will understand, that with such historical data, you can forget stress and fear of losses in trading for the rest of your life.

If you follow the rules of such a Forex Strategy,  (this is the hardest part) Online Trading becomes just a different way to withdraw cash (from the Broker’s a/c – NOT YOURS) ;)

If we consider the pips made (+976 pips) StP made a nice +53% Yearly Profit Return, without re-investing the profits. Also subtracting the cost of break-even trades (the spread only) we outperform the top Hedge Funds in the world. You can check the performances on this page.

For more advanced people we publish here the detailed calculation of the Expectancy of 2012 (only for Intraday Strategy). Expectancy is the most important indicator of the profitability of a Trading System. From our results you can see that , if you were a SurfingThePips.com Forex Signals Subscriber in 2012, you had the chance to earn more than $150 on each single signal sent. This value is calculated assuming a $10,000 capital, a 5% risk per trade and  25 pips average stop loss (normally we trade with less stop loss).


Remember that we trade only one single strategy, what changes is just the time-frame.  Our H4 (four hour chart) Strategy also made a record this year: 1 single negative month in the whole 2012. Profit Rate has been a more than decent 23% with a massive win-loss ratio: we just had 2 negative trades in the whole year. Do you know any trading system where you can relax more? ;)


It is not possible to double-check our performances with any third-party document because all the trades we placed in our Hedge Fund are not sharable due to privacy reasons. However, the authenticity of these results is double-checked through the strongest measure available nowadays on the web: trust.

We built our trust through 3 years of online career sharing our performances on a DAILY BASIS on our site with comments open.

Everyday, in our Free Daily Analysis we share the results we made the day before, none of our subscribers ever made a complaint about these numbers in more than 3 years. Zero suspicious comments have been made since 2009, there are no reviews/forums on the whole world wide web talking about the fact Surfing The Pips performances are fake. It would of course be very simple for scammed people to attack our company. And you know how very angry a scammed guy can become :)

We are conscious that in the internet era, trust is the value number 1. It would be very stupid to claim false results nowadays, if you want to continue in business long term – as StP does. We have no intention of providing an opportunity for a disgruntled Surfer to devastate the sound reputation we have built in the last 3 years.

Another reason to trust our result is that, yes they are fantastic….but less fantastic than thousands of other “scam sites”  fraudulently claim. Sadly the Internet is full of sites giving you the hope of doubling your money in a few weeks. We simply say that you will get 53% in 12 months – the facts! This sounds like a really “poor cousin” (to ignorant people) by comparison to the massive and unbelievable claims from the “shonks”. But we are happy to stay away from this unscrupulous world, what we want to do is build a community of serious traders; serious and conscientious traders. Free people who recognise that if the top Hedge Fund of the world last year has made 43%, it would be very difficult for a newbie to do better.

That’s it Surfers, look forward to better this 2013 of course, and, if you want to be invited at the Pip Party, just subscribe here and, in less than 24 hours, you’ll be on board of the Surf!

Have a great and surfing year everybody

Davide Franceschini | Chief Trader

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