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Cari Surfers, da quest’anno vogliamo fare il calcolo delle performance dettagliate (con expectancy inclusa) anche per il primo semestre, e non solo a fine anno. Prima di passare ai numeri, una doverosa introduzione per salvaguardare l’autenticità dei dati che vi andiamo ad elencare: AUTENTICITA’ Le performance che leggete in questo articolo non sono dimostrabili […]
The Only Reason Why I don’t Use Any Forex Indicator
Today I want to use a simple metaphor to explain in a clear and intuitive way the reason why it is better not to use indicators in the graphics used to trade the Forex and the reason that has made me understand that nothing is more efficacious than a graphic that in jargon we define […]
6 Things I Do Everyday To Be Happier (And To Trade Better)
Hello Surfers, Today I want to try and “translate for you”, an interesting post which I read a few days ago on the web, making it more relevant to the Trading theme. It is an article written by Joel Gascoigne (Founder of Buffer, an application designed for Twitter which is making a splash in the […]
Brand New Service: Live Trading Room Recordings Now Available
Hello Surfers, We are proud to announce that every live Trading Webinar is now being recorded & can be accessed on this page: The videos are on demand and available to members only. Time Zone is not a problem anymore! CLICK HERE TO TEST DRIVE SURFINGTHEPIPS.COM FOR $1 Linda | Customer Care