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22th June 2015 | Free Forex Analysis | EURUSD, is on fire



Dear Surfers, Let’s take a look at the market:


How did it go yesterday?

Friday, the price was between the 1.1400 and 1.1300 level. As you know, on Friday we do not trade, we only follow the market to get informed. Note that  by the end of the day, despite a first major fall , the price was in line with  opening prices.


Technical analysis

Pay attention!!! today the prices  is on fire  due to the Erosummit and the Eurogroup meeting.The situation of Greece is likely to unnerve the price that has already proven its willing  to move. We are currently around 1.1350 level  but there is some uncertainty in the air. The DP already been tested and it does not offer us more information as the triad DWM is bullish configuration.


Plan of the day

The risk today is really high.We’ll be off of trading and blissfully watching the market. Today, many traders will lose a lot of money. Do you prefer stay quite or take action?


Relevant economic news:

All Day EUR Eurogroup Meetings
All Day EUR Euro Summit
4:00pm USD Existing Home Sales


Surfingthepips staff wishes you all a good day.


Daniele Angellotti Certified Trader | SurfingThePips.com

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